
Did I mention just how good it is to be home? Outdoors, the blossom is finally starting to appear on Jesus’ plum tree

Inside, I am stitching up my own leaves and blossoms . . .

Not the neatest tent stitch you ever saw, but it requires little thought, is incredibly relaxing, and I really am enjoying it immensely.

Tom bought me a gigantic chocolate rabbit with, I fear, ulterior motives . . .

. . . and I just walked over two miles!

I am feeling very pleased with myself. Just check out the efficient gait and particularly the heel strike ! I couldn’t do that even a week ago. For those who are interested, after much effort, the foot has finally regained a little movement — the plantarflexion is much better than the dorsiflexion, and neither are very strong or very reliable movements, but at least there is now something there to work with. I intend to walk a little further next weekend. See you then!