stay tuned. . .

The post-stroke rollercoaster continues. Shetland came at a great time, as I am currently having to deal with yet more life-changing gubbins, namely the fact that I will probably never be able to do an academic job again. I have spent sixteen months trying my hardest to get better, but I now have to deal with the likelihood that working in a University will always be too much for me. Having spent two thirds of my life training to be an academic, and the other third being one, this really feels rather strange. But it is something I have to face, just like I have to face that I am now a slow, slightly lame, easily confused, and constantly tired person. Soon, it will be my birthday. The prospect of this would usually turn me into a total loon, but for the first time in my life I find that I am completely uninterested in it. I intend to ignore this event, and am focusing my energies on things I actually can do. I shall get Warriston out by the end of the week. Mel’s version (which made me want to knit myself a deep blue sweater immediately) gives a very good sense of the fit of the final pattern (which I have made ever-so-slightly less baggy than my prototype).

The other elements are exactly the same, though:

Her sweater is ravelled here.

If all goes to plan, the Warriston pattern will also include a surprise. Watch this space, folks. . .