Knit Real Shetland

Hurrah! Hard copies of Knit Real Shetland are now available to buy from Jamieson & Smith – with free UK shipping! A digital version, for those who prefer it, will also soon be available.

It was a real honour to be asked to write the introduction to this book, celebrating 65 years of Jamieson & Smith. As well as super designs from names that are no doubt familiar to you, Knit Real Shetland also includes gorgeous patterns from designers you may not have heard of but should know: Mary Kay, Hazel Tindall, Lesley Smith, Joyce Ward and Sandra Manson – lovely women all, and talented Shetland knitters.

The official book launch was last Friday evening at the Shetland Museum . I was having so much fun that I managed not to take a single picture of the assembled throng which included 8 of the book’s 15 designers (Gudrun, Mary-Jane, Masami, Mary, Joyce, Hazel, Sandra, and Lesley). So, in the absence of launch photos, I instead present to you Sarah Laurenson, who took on the project, and curated Knit Real Shetland. Sarah’s energy and spirit are behind so many of the good things happening at Jamieson and Smith.

Thanks and congratulations to Sarah!

ETA: free postage within the UK only.