at a loss

It is the second anniversary of my stroke. I had been preparing a post, but, disliking it, have left it half-written. Unusually, I find myself at a bit of a loss for words. I feel a little angry and a little glum today. I know that I am angry because of the many frustrations I still face (fatigue, hearing and mobility issues, seizures, the inability to plan ahead, the structuring of my entire existence around my sleep / rest requirements &c &c). But anger is pretty pointless, and I am not quite sure why I am glum. Life is really pretty good. Anyway, I must do what I usually do when I feel in a bit of a fug — namely — go for a walk. I think it might be a long one. I shall see you later.

Thanks so much for your comments about different knitting styles, which I am really enjoying reading.