Sarah’s quilt

Sarah came round for lunch yesterday. I made a pie.

We ate the pie.

We went for a breezy walk.

. . . and Sarah had a suprise . . .

. . no, Bruce, it’s not for you . . .

. . . a quilt! For me!

Sarah began making this lovely thing when I was very ill. She worked on it a bit, then set it aside for a while, as one does. But she recently discovered it again, and decided to finish it off. I am so pleased and touched that she did!

The quilt includes some fabric scraps that I’d given Sarah, some of which you can see in this post (was that really four and a half years ago! Sheesh!)

Some of Ysolda‘s scraps are in there, too. This is probably one of the thing I like most about quilts – being able to ‘read’ fabric in this way. I also clearly remember Sarah buying a fat quarter of one of the other prints in the quilt on a trip she, Ysolda and I took to Mandors, around the time I wrote this post. The associations of scraps and prints are almost always deeply personal, but, for me at least, tend to be very powerful. I can see my friends in this quilt.

The quilt back is just as beautiful as the front.

I love the birds, and that delicious fresh, Spring green.

Thankyou so much, Sarah! I love it. x