goodbye, dear friend

We had to say goodbye to Bruce yesterday.

His mobility had declined in recent months, but we had no idea that he was suffering from a rapidly progressing tumour that was pressing on his heart: just a few days ago, he was walking with us, as usual, out on the West Highland Way. When he became ill on Tuesday evening, it was obvious something was very seriously wrong. Tom and I were both with him when he died, and all I can say about this is, that, whether you are dog or human, to leave this world, in the company of those you love, after a very short period of suffering, seems as good a way as any.

Those of you who have read this blog for many years will know just how much Bruce meant to us and how devastated we are. Tom and I are going to take a few days for ourselves (which means there will be a hiatus in club proceedings until Monday). Thanks for understanding.