Short films

Short films, exploring our favourite places. All photography, production and soundtrack by Tom Barr.

Colonsay // Oronsay

Pigs’ Paradise
The Kerry Kyle

Doon the Watter



Loch Fyne


7 replies to Short films
  1. Beautiful film, thank you for sharing. I was intrigued by the chalk cliffs of the island and the blocks of colour. We live on similar chalk in Ramsgate, Kent, England. Of course I see our chalk shore up, not sky down, and I love that flip of view in your filming. It has made me reassess my view, see new beauty and appreciation of my local colours, patterns and land/sea. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tom- Many thanks for sharing your films. The images, flow, and pacing are beautiful. The music and sound are moving as well. Thank you for this gift to all of us who see them.


  3. Thank you so much for this wonderful trip. Currently, unable to move I was able thanks to you to venture into magical and green places that I probably would not have been able to see. Above all, continue your adventure because all these stories, these places and these people you have met bring us a lot of joy and benevolence in this world. See you soon for new unusual and instructive encounters.

    Liked by 1 person

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