quick update

If you have placed an order for Yokes, most of you will by now have received an email containing your unique code to enable download of the digital e-book.

If you haven’t received this email, please first check your spam and all your other folders, particularly any ‘promotions’ or ‘social’ folders that your email client may have set up for you.

If you still can’t find your email, my pal Russell has set up a genius system which will send your code to you automatically.

Simply enter your email address here and wait for the response.

(Every order placed is assigned its own unique code; if you haven’t placed an order, you won’t receive a code!)

When you have received your code, to access the e-book, you should first log into Ravelry and then enter your code here.

(It is necessary to log in before redeeming your code if you would like the book to appear in your Ravelry ‘library’. If you are not a Ravelry member, don’t worry about this step)

If you are still experiencing difficulties, or have any questions about the book or download, please contact me on yokesATkatedaviesdesigns.com

Now, back to those labels . . .

speak soon xx