April showers

Hello! Our internet is very wonky at the moment, because our broadband is being “upgraded”. As we live in a rural area where connectivity has never been that great, the prospect of speedy wifi is really quite exciting . . . the only downside is a few days of slow internet, and some difficulty transferring files and photos. The switchover is scheduled for this weekend . . . fingers crossed we don’t just disappear, but if things go quiet here, you’ll know the reason why.

The title of this post reads rather oddly to me, since this has been one of the dryest and sunniest Aprils I can remember in Scotland. We live in a notoriously wet area, and honestly, it’s not often that we long for rain, but today’s showers have felt very welcome indeed.

Things are still fine and dry inside my potting shed

But outside, the garden is pinging into life

. . . and our whole surrounding landscape looks so much fresher, and much greener, than just a few days ago. Here are some more photographs from our rather rainy walk this morning.

These wethers don’t really mind a change in weather

Though the wee coos seemed less sure . . .

Despite the heavy showers, there was still plenty of bird activity to be seen

meadow pippits . . .


and this spider, pootling over a pool’s meniscus, was completely in its element

But it was the plantlife that seemed most appreciative of the rain

There are no “Young Lambs” in our immediate environs, but I still called to mind John Clare’s poem of that name this morning: “The spring is coming, by a many signs.”