kvikk lunsj

When Martha Joy left a comment comparing Tantallon‘s colour scheme to the wrapping of a Norweigan chocolate bar, I was intrigued. I just had to see it for myself. We agreed to a little exchange, and she kindly sent me a couple of kvikk lunsj in return for a taste of one of Scotland’s finest confections. We can now confirm that hat and choc do indeed share a happy resemblance.

As a a high-energy snack enjoyed by walkers, kvikk lunsj seems to be the Norweigan equivalent of our Kendal Mint Cake. Apparently, each bar used to have the Norweigan fjellvettreglene (mountain code) printed on its wrapper. I rather like this idea.

The tantallon-wearer made kvikk work of one after a snowy walk yesterday. . .

thankyou, Martha Joy!